Saturday, November 21, 2009


Clank’s Report:

I had the most dreadfullest experience yesterday. I went to the hospital and they shaved a bunch of fur off my tummy and my leg and then attached this weird tube thing and I got real tired and fell asleep. Next thing I know, I wake up with the most ginormous band-aid around my middle and my tummy is kinda sore, and my ball is missing! I don’t know what to think of that. Who’d want to steal my ball? It’s not like anybody else could use it or anything.

I had to wait a real long time for Mommy to come get me, and when she got there, I was so ready to go home. She looked real worried about something and she gave me lots of loves, and carried me to the car. I guess she missed me as much as I missed her.

I didn’t get the whole story until we got home and Ratchet explained it to me. It turns out that I didn’t have just the one ball. I had a whole other ball that was growing inside me. And Bianca (my nurse who totally loves Corgis) told Mommy that it was HUGE – the biggest ball they’d ever seen inside a puppy – Labrador size. I guess balls aren’t supposed to grow until they get outside, but this one had another idea.

And then Dr. Kienle told Mommy that it had wandered off into my ‘testines and wrapped around stuff and it was really hard to find and if they hadn’t taken it out it would have been real bad for my digestion (whatever that is). But she found it and now I don’t have a Labrador ball anymore. Ratchet says I can still tell all the guys at Puppy Park that I had the biggest ball in Corgi history. He says I get “bragging rights.” I hope they include cookies with that.

This morning we went back to the hospital and they checked my blood and everything is fine. So they took off my band-aid and I found out I have this really neat scar up my middle. That’s totally cool because I not only have my doggy pirate collar but I have a scar to go with it.

Avast, Matey. Now I think I need a hat.


  1. OMG!! I just caught this. Poor Clank!

  2. I just had to go check my puppy to make sure all was in order nut-wise. Two, size medium, right where they're supposed to be!

    Jasper's Mom
